Nexus Institute of Research and Innovation (NIRI)

NIRI is an independent and not-for-profit-sharing institution in Nepal, registered with a vision to promote quality research and innovation across the nation and beyond.

Established in 2020, NIRI is a team of researchers and professionals in various disciplines who, along with their academic achievements, have garnered national and international experiences in their fields.


Our Mission

The mission of NIRI is to explore and strengthen multi-disciplinary research in the field of natural, applied, and social sciences, provide analytical inputs for evidence-based policymaking and disseminate substantive research findings.

Our Vission

The vision of NIRI is to establish itself as a quality institute for quality research and innovation across the nation and beyond.

What we do ?


Training, Workshops & Mentorship

Assisting Policy

Translating Research Findings into Products

NIRI Updates

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Blog and Article

नसर्ने रोगहरूको वर्तमान अवस्था सम्बन्धमा ‘निरी नेपाल’को विशेष गोष्ठी

नसर्ने रोगहरूको वर्तमान अवस्था सम्बन्धमा ‘निरी नेपाल’को विशेष गोष्ठी नेक्सस इन्स्च्युचुट अफ रिसर्च एण्ड इनोभेसन (NIRI) नेपालले हरेक वर्ष कोभिड समयबाहेक निरन्तर वार्षिक गोष्ठीहरू गर्दै आइरहेको छ । यस वर्षको […]



NIRI and HCAN Sign MoU for COPD Management Project in Nepal

NIRI and HCAN Sign MoU for COPD Management Project in Nepal The Nexus Institute of Research and Innovation (NIRI) and the Health Care Association of Nepal (HCAN) have officially signed […]



Admission Open for NIRI Bioinformatics Bootcamp 2025

Why this course? Who should enroll in this course? What can you expect from the course? The course mainly focuses on key topics that would help to build a foundation […]



NIRI Bioinformatics Bootcamp 2025 Successfully Concludes

We successfully completed the NIRI Bioinformatics Bootcamp 2025—our third batch! Out of 65 registrations, we enrolled 32 participants this year, making it our largest cohort so far. Participants came from […]